Quantum BC Seminar Series – Dr. Joe Salfi

Join us on Tuesday, May 14 at 2pm for a seminar by Dr. Joe Salfi from the University of British Columbia. The title of his seminar is Scalable Quantum Computation […]

Quantum Photonics Workshop

The NSERC CREATE Quantum BC program and CMC Microsystems bring you a workshop on the design, fabrication, and testing of quantum silicon photonic circuits used in quantum computer hardware. We invite you to join […]


WORKSHOP ON FERROELECTRIC MATERIALS FOR SILICON PHOTONICS DATE: May 31, 2024, 9:00AM – 8:00PM (PT) LOCATION: University of British Columbia TARGET AUDIENCE: Researchers in silicon photonics, integrated quantum photonics, optical communications Workshop objectives […]

Quantum BC Seminar Series – Dr. Nir Rotenberg

Join us on Tuesday, June 11 at 2pm for a seminar by Dr. Nir Rotenberg from Queens University.  Title: Towards quantum dot-based linear and nonlinear photonic networks Abstract: Self-assembled quantum […]

Quantum BC Seminar Series – Himadri Shekhar Dhar

Join us on Tuesday, July 9 at 2pm for a seminar by Dr. Himadri Shekhar Dhar from IIT Bombay. Join on Zoom: https://ubc.zoom.us/j/69443327772?pwd=TGhhTXFIQ3ZiUmNrN0pUa3FObTNydz09 Meeting ID: 694 4332 7772 Passcode: 996727 […]