Quantum BC Seminar Series – NSERC CREATE Graduate Student Presentations

Please join us on August 8 at 2pm BC Time to hear three NSERC CREATE in Quantum Computing Scholars share their research: 1. Jamal Mohammad Khani, MSc Physics Student, University of Victoria Title: All-Optical Quantum C-Phase Gate Using Rb Atoms. 2. Phillip Suwan Kirwin, MASc ECE Student, University of British Columbia Title: Integrated Quantum Transducers […]

Quantum BC Seminar Series – Rogério de Sousa

Join us on Tuesday, September 12 at 2pm for a seminar by Dr. Rogério de Sousa from the University of Victoria. Sept.2023.Seminar.RdeSousa Title: Noise in Chip-Based Quantum Computers https://ubc.zoom.us/j/69443327772?pwd=TGhhTXFIQ3ZiUmNrN0pUa3FObTNydz09 Meeting ID: 694 4332 7772 Passcode: 996727 Abstract: Quantum computers are now available in several different chip-based technologies, but their quantum evolution is noisy, hindering demonstrations […]

Q-Site Conference – September 29 to October 1, 2023

University of British Columbia Macleod Room 3038, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Discover the Potential of Quantum in Vancouver Discover Q-SITE Vancouver, an Educational Quantum Student Conference. Hosted on the UBC campus this fall, from September 29th to October 1st. Immerse yourself in captivating discussions and interactive workshops covering a diverse range of topics in the field of quantum information science and technology.  https://www.qsiteconf.ca/

Quantum BC Open House

QBC Open House Nov 8 Topic: Quantum BC Open House Time: Nov 8, 2023 11:00 AM Vancouver Join Zoom Meeting https://ubc.zoom.us/j/61459240254?pwd=bWVkUWI0RlZvRlRadW1IM1V5eGFLZz09   Meeting ID: 614 5924 0254 Passcode: 197383  

Quantum BC Seminar Series – Roman Krems

Nov.2023.Seminar.RKrems Join us on Tuesday, November 14 at 2pm for a seminar by Dr. Roman Krems from the University of British Columbia. Dr. Krems will speak on the topic  "Can quantum computers enhance machine learning?" Abstract: In this talk, I will describe how quantum computing and machine learning can be combined to solve a machine […]